Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jobs and better Jobs

Every Sunday at church we stand and make a declaration about the things we are believing God will do for us. I believe with all my heart that God will do these things. This past week before our declaration they asked all who were believing for jobs or better jobs to raise their hand to receive prayer. I was one of the many who raised a hand to receive prayer. Now I ask all my friends to stand in agreement with me that God will provide a better job for me. I don't want to sound ungrateful for what I have but....
To better understand my desire for a better job you must take a glimpse at what I deal with every day.
I didn't always hate my job. When I got the job 5 years ago I was so happy. I was hired by my son's grandmother as a file clerk. I worked three days a week for $7.00 a hour. This was great for me at the time. A month later I was asked to come on full time due to the amount of work to be done. I was still happy since I could bring my kids to the office with me.
After six months I was moved up to head of the accounts payable and was given a $.50 a hour raise. Soon after that me and the kids moved from Clyde to Abilene to be closer to work and to live in one of my bosses rent houses. It was great.
Fast forward to now.. I now am the only person in the office i run the the accounts payable, accounts receivables, answer the phones, assist in purchasing, do cost management...ect..ect..
If it needs to be done I have to do it. And I am still making $7.50 a hour. Yes 5 years no pay raise. And that's not even the bad part.
The office I work in is horrid. Its filthy dirty. Trash everywhere. paper and food stacked everywhere. My boss has a pet bird that flies around the office and messes on everything.

I love the work, Love working in accounting. Its the people I have to work for that are getting to me. The office manager treats me like I am less of a person than him. The owner is so absent minded that she doesn't finish anything, and being she is my son's grandmother she feels she has a say in every part of my life. To make it worse the are none believers. I sit and listen to foul jokes and underhanded remarks about "pew jumping religious freak" like me.

I know that God has so much more in store for me. Please keep me in your prayers and stand in agreement with me that there is a better job for me. A place where I can glorify God in everything I do.

The song for my life