Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Still hanging in there

I am still hanging in there. I know it has been awhile since my last blog. But not much has changed. My kids are great, ready for school to be out. Ashley received three awards at school. I am so proud of her. Jacob will be going in the first grade next year and he will be in the ap class.
Me, well I have my good days and my bad days. Today is a not so good one. I am trying really hard to move on with my life one day at a time. My heart is still very sad. Frank got himself in trouble with all he was doing to me and I didn't hear from him for a week and it felt so good. But that has changed and we are back to everytime the phone rings or I get a message on the cell my heart sinks into my stomache. Moving on is so hard. I thought about getting some counceling, I even asked the church for help but they were to "busy", and I guess you can say that its a pride issue but when they finally decided to get around to me almost 9 weeks later I didn't do it. Frank made me feel worthless and less than human and they made me feel so unimportant. I am trying to deal with it and I know I will get past it.

The song for my life